100 years ago, Ernest Shackleton began his Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition with the goal of crossing the continent from sea to sea via the South Pole. Disaster struck when his ship the Endurance, became trapped in pack ice and was slowly and inexorably crushed before shore parties could be landed. There followed a sequence of exploits, and an ultimate escape with no loss of human life. This fact alone would eventually assure Shackleton's heroic status, although this was not immediately evident.
Fascinated by the larger-than-life explorer, marine artist Adam Koltz chronicles Shackleton’s Herculean ordeal in a series of seven watercolors. Each painting depicts a significant turning point or life-and-death crisis during the great adventure, and contributes invaluably to this great man’s memory. Each scene is faithfully reproduced on the finest museum-quality archival German mould-made Hahnemuhle 310 gsm, acid free, 100% cotton watercolor paper, and guaranteed to retain rich color and the highest quality throughout your lifetime and that of your children. |